Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Graduate

1. In class, we discussed how actors and acting was starting to get looked at more closely in Hollywood as Hollywood was in a transitional period.  Movies were being done better and they were more thought out.  Newer technology was being presented and things in movies were being done differently.  The Graduate was unique because it was focused on one man and how he changed as his life changed.  Not to mention this movie had it's own soundtrack with Simon and Garfunkel.

2. I found an article on on why the Graduate is essential and it explains how it is still a relevant movie even after 40 years have passed.  It mentions how this movie was a great example of the change in Hollywood and how movies were evolving.  The Graduate was a huge mark in films history.

3.  In the article it talks about the Graduate being part of "New Hollywood".  We talked about in class how Hollywood was changing and how movies were changing. We talked about that in class and it is interesting to hear it mentioned again in this article.

4.  Personally I really enjoyed this movie.  I thought Dustin Hoffman fit that role of Ben perfectly, as it was an awkward situation for anyone to be in but he portrayed it beautifully.  The story kept me hooked as I didn't how this mess was going to turn out.  Overall I thought it was a great idea for a movie and I really loved the Simon and Garfunkel soundtrack; especially when Mrs. Robinson came on.  That was the first time I understood what that song was about.

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